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The Savoyard was the magazine published by the D‘Oyly Carte Opera Trust Limited
between 1962 and 1982.
The copyright of The Savoyard remains vested with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Trust,
and the copies available on this website are reproduced by kind permission of The Trust.
Individual copies of the sixty magazines, which were published in twenty-one volumes,
together with copies of an index for Volumes I to VII (published in 1969) and an index
for Volumes I to XX (published in 1972), are available by
In order to allow searches of multiple magazines at once, batches of the magazines are
available below as pdf files (click on the bars to access):
The entire 21 volumes are available in one pdf file (but please note that the file is
approximately 250Mb in size and contains 1,676 pages and, depending on your download
speed, can take a while to download).