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- 2019–2020 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2019–20 (88th) Season Sunday 13th October 2019 at 2.30 pm “Oh the man who can drive a theatrical team” Philip Walsh has been performing, building sets and directing on the Fylde Coast and Preston for over 55 years. He has attended every G&S Festival and taken part in many Savoynet shows. This afternoon he will entertain us with song and an illustrated talk about the variety of tasks he has undertaken. The Sheila Taylo r meeting. Sunday 10th November 2019 at 2.30 pm “in some old cabinet” Treasures from the attic! Raymond Walker, our archivist, assisted by Chris Browne, will talk about and show some of our archives which really should be seen and enjoyed more than they are. The Harold Sumner meeting. Tuesday 3rd December 2019 at 7.15 pm Subject to be arranged. Sunday 5th January 2020 at 2.30 pm “on each of us thy learning shed” Roderick Murray examines the life of D‘Oyly Carte patter man Walter Passmore, low comedian, star of musical comedy and legend of the music halls! Aft er George Grossmith‘s departure, several contenders to the throne of Principal Comedian emerged, but Walter Passmore reigned triumphant at the Savoy through the turbulent period of the 1890s. Presented in words, music and visuals. The Nor man Beckett meeting. Tuesday 4th February 2020 at 7.15 pm “such a past-master of that modulated instrument” Our President David Mackie will reminisce about his days as Assistant MD of D‘Oyly Carte and play some of Sullivan‘s piano music. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 Tuesday 3rd March 2020 at 7.15 pm “a paradox, a most ingenious paradox” We celebrate Frederic‘s birthday differently this year as John Coates muses on the Paradoxical, Topsy-Turvy World created by WSG in the operas. Sunday 5th April 2020 at 2.30 pm “his talents he‘ll employ” John Savournin will entertain us in song and talk about his work as performer and director. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 Tuesday 12th May 2020 at 7.15 pm “the gratifying feeling that our duty has been done” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment. CANCELLED DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC CANCELLED DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC
- 2014–2015 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2014–15 (83rd) Season Tuesday 7th Octo ber 2014 at 7.30 pm “I tune my supple song” Concert by Alexandra Saunders (soprano), accompanied at the piano by Andrew Nicklin. “a past-master of that delicately modulated instrument” Many of us have enjoyed Alexandra‘s lovely voice and fine acting and Andrew‘s accompanying at Buxton. [Professional engagements permitting.] Admission: members £5, visitors £7 The Sheila Taylor meeting. Sunday 2nd November 2014 at 2.30 pm “that gallant band” Concert by the White Rose Or chestra, conducted by Chris Browne. The Harold Sumner meeting. Tuesday 2nd December 2014 at 7.30 pm “many a song and story” Raymond Walker will present half an evening on the new recording of Sullivan‘s On Shore and Sea . Second half of evening: a soirée by members. The Norman Beckett meeting. Tuesday 6th January 2015 at 7.30 pm “On each of us thy learning shed” Ruddig ore – Paul Taylor will present another of his studies of an opera, illustrated in “many various ways”. Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at 7.30 pm “your character true unfurl” Andrew Crowther, Secretary of the Gilbert Society and biographer of Gilbert, is an acknowledged expert on the subject and will lead us closer to Gilbert the man. Click the icon to see the slides from Andrew Crowther’s talk on W.S. Gilbert: February or March 2015 “everything is a source of fun” A society visit to Manchester University Gilbert and Sullivan Society‘s performance of Patience, probably on Saturday matinée February 21st at Manchester Grammar School – check nearer the time. Sunday 12th April 2015 at 2.30 pm “The happy hours will gaily fly!” We are lucky to have been able to secure a concert from Donald with his busy schedule. He will entertain us in his usual way with song and humour. [ Professional engagements permitting.] Admi ssion: members £5, visitors £7 Tuesday 5th May 2015 at 7.30 pm Annual General Meeting plus entertainment. Review
- 2016–2017 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2016–17 (85th) Season Sunday 4th Octo ber 2016 at 2.30 pm “They sing choruses in public” Concert by members of Manchester University Gilbert & Sullivan Society (MUGSS). Tuesday 1st November 2016 at 7.15 pm “Rend with songs the air above” Concert by students of the Royal Northern College of Music from Offenbach‘s La Vie Parisienne – a taster of their December production – and a selection of Gilbert & Sullivan items. The Sh eila Taylor meeting. Sunday 4th December 2016 at 2.30 pm “In his own melodious way!” Co ncert by Joseph Sho velton (tenor). [Professional engagements permitting.] The Harold Sumner meeting. Admi ssion: members £5, visitors £7 Sunday 15th January 2017 at 2.30 pm “Is all this true?” “D‘Oyly Carte: the inside story” – Roberta Morrell will enter tain us with background stories from interviews for her book of the same name. Tuesd ay 7th February 2017 at 7.15 pm “It is a pretty picture” A talk by Raymond Walker on D‘Oyly Carte backcloths and scenery through the decades, illustrated by some beautiful photos. He and David Skelly are working on a book on this subject. Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 7.15 pm “Told in ‘song and story’” Paul Taylor will instruct us again with one of his opera studies – The Yeoman of the Guard – this time. The N orman Beckett meeting. Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd April 2017 “And all day long our lives would be a song” Convention for members of all Affiliated G&S Societies at the Alma Lodge Hotel, Stockport. Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 7.15 pm “And now, my Lords, to the business of the day” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment.
- 2017–2018 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2017–18 (86th) Season Sunday 3rd Octo ber 2017 at 7.30 pm “We recall without repining” Paul Kampen and Howard Rogerson will reminisce about their days in the D‘Oyly Carte orchestra and other G&S, with some live music including from a period horn. Tuesday 7th November 2017 at 7.30 pm “Rend with songs the air above” Kay Jordan (soprano) will entertain us with talk and song, accompanied by Tim Walker. The Shei la Taylor meeting. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 Tuesday 5th December 2017 at 7.30 pm “tell us all about it” David Cookson will delight us with talk and music from his wide experience of G&S as an MD, repetiteur, accompanist and founder of “Musical Solutions”. Tuesday 9th January 2018 at 7.30 pm “Life‘s a Pudding full of Plums” As are the Operettas! Name your favourite piece of music or dialogue, then we will listen, enthuse and inform together, led by John Coates. The Harold Sumner meeting. Sunday 4th February 2018 at 2.30 pm “They sing s o nicely” Three Towns Operatic Society, led by our member David Kay, will entertain us in concert. Tuesday 6th March 2018 at 7.30 pm “I can teach you with a quip, if I‘ve a mind” Martin Yates will fascinate us with his study of the music of Patience and Utopia . The Norman Beckett meeting. Admiss ion: members £5 , visitors £7 Tuesday 3rd April 2018 at 7.30 pm “everything is interesting” Details to be finalized. Tuesday 8th May 2018 at 7.30 pm “In punctual and business-like fashion” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment.
- About Us with reminder | G&S Manchester
About Us The Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Manchester , which was founded in 1932, provides an interesting and entertaining programme of events, once a month between October and May. Some of the meetings are held at the Cross Street Chapel , Cross Street, Manchester, usually on Sundays, and other meetings are held via Zoom, usually on Tuesdays. Many members of the society have close links with other related societies, including performing societies, and some members have professional links in the G&S world. The society aims to stimulate interest and develop knowledge of the Savoy operas and their authors; it is not a producing society, but enjoys friendly relations with local amateur societies. Our membership is made up of passionate individuals who share a love for these timeless operas. We invite you to join us in celebrating the music, characters and stories that have delighted audiences for over a century. The society is affiliated to The Gilbert and Sullivan Society which meets in London. It was founded in 1924 and was the first of some twenty affiliated societies formed throughout the world. The annual subscription to The Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Manchester is £22, or £11 for anyone under the age of 18 or receiving full-time education. The year starts on 8th April. Admission to most meetings is free of charge. For one or two meetings a year, when professional singers/performers are involved, there is usually an admission charge of £5 for members, and £7 for visitors. We have a committee of approximately eight members who plan the monthly programmes and make other decisions about the Society.
- Photos: Yeomen of the Guard | G&S Manchester
Yeomen of the Guard Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- Photos: Ages Ago | G&S Manchester
Ages Ago Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- Photos: The Sorcerer | G&S Manchester
The Sorcerer Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- Photos: Pirates | G&S Manchester
The Pirates of Penzance Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- Photos: Patience | G&S Manchester
Patience Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- Gallery: Rutland Barrington | G&S Manchester
Rutland Barrington Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- 2017 Convention | G&S Manchester
2017 Convention Frid ay 21 April 2017 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm Celebration Dinner (4 course). Dress: to be decided. This will mark Manchester Society's 85th Anniversary as well as being the opening of the Convention. Frances McCafferty (contralto) will delight us afterwards with a short concert accompanied at the piano by David Wheeler. The cash bar in the Regis Suite will be open until midnight. Sat ur day 22 April 2017 9.30 – 10.00 am Assemble 10.00 am Welcome by Manchester Society Chairman, David Walton. 10.15 am Lecture: Theatre design in Gilbert's Day by David Wilmore. 11 .15 am Coffee 11.45 am Illustrated Lecture on Sullivan’s music by Professor Derek B. Scott. 12.45 pm Lunch : 3 course, hot. Cash bar open beforehand. 2 .30 pm David Walton will interview Frances McCafferty. Questions welcomed at the end. 3.15 to 3. 45 pm Interval tea or coffee 3.45 to 4.45 approx. John Balls and Arthur Barrett from Norwich G&S Society will present a tribute to Thomas Round. 4.45 to 6.30 pm Free time 6.30 pm Hot Buffet Tea 8.00 pm P rofessional Celebrity Concert. Celebrities to be announced. 10. 00 pm Light “supper” of Danish pastries, scones, tea and coffee. The cash bar in the Regis Suite will be open until midnight. Sunday 23 April 2017 10.0 0 am An Act of Worship using some of Sullivan’s sacred music, led by David Walton. 11 .00 am approx. Coffee 11.30 am Concert by postgraduate singers from the Royal Northern College of Music. 1.00 pm Sunday L unch (3 course) 2.30 to 3.30 pm Semi-staged concert by members of Sale Gilbert and Sullivan Society. 3.30 p m Formal closure of Convention, then disperse (“most reluctantly”).