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- Gallery: Haddon Hall | G&S Manchester
Haddon Hall Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index !
- Gallery: Ages Ago | G&S Manchester
Ages Ago Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- 2023–2024 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2023–24 (92nd) Season Sunday 1st Octo ber 2023 at 2.30 pm "A Crichton of early romance" A concert by Peter Crichton and some fri ends of his from Crosby G&S Society. T he Sheila Taylor meeting. Sunday 5t h November 2023 at 2.30 pm "I tune my supple song" A concert by Bruce Graham, bass-baritone, of D‘Oyly Carte and G&S International Festivals. His wife Caroline may contribute a song or two. With David Wheeler at the piano. The Harold Sumner meeting. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 Tuesday 5th December 2023 on Zoom at 7.30 pm "Though my book I seem to scan in a rapt ecstatic way" Talk/pr esentation by Elisabeth Kehoe on her biography of Helen D‘Oyly Carte, formerly Helen Lenoir: “Queen of the Savoy”. The Nor man Beckett meeting. Tuesday 9th January 2024 on Zoom at 7.30 pm “All is prepared” Ken Robertson-Scott, formerly Stage Manager with D‘Oyly Carte Opera Company, will tell us much about his work backstage. Tuesday 6th February 2024 on Zoom at 7.30 pm “List and learn” Laurence Leng of Sussex G&S Society shares treasures from John Cannon‘s and Melvyn Tarran‘s memorabilia collections. Sunday 3rd March 2024 at 2.30 pm “On each of us thy learning shed” Paul Taylor will inform and amuse us with one of his studies of an opera, Patience this time. These have become regular favourite meetings. Sunday 7th April 2024 at 2.30 pm "there is not one word... which is calculated to bring the blush of shame to the cheek of modesty" “Gilbert & Sullivan and delicate sexu al matters.” A presentation by Professor Derek B Scott with musical illustrations. Tuesday 14th May 2024 on Zoom at 7.30 pm "And now, my Lords, to the business of the day" Annual General Meeting plus social chat. Tuesday 25th June 2024 on Zoom at 7.30 pm "Though my book I seem to scan in a rapt ecstatic way" Talk/pr esentation by Elisabeth Kehoe on her biography of Helen D‘Oyly Carte, formerly Helen Lenoir: “Queen of the Savoy”. The Nor man Beckett meeting. Photos Photos POSTPONED DUE TO ILLNESS OF A FAMILY MEMBER. ENTERTAINMENT PROVIDED BY SOCIETY MEMBERS THIS MEETING WAS POSTPONED FROM TUESDAY 5TH DECEMBER 2023
- Gallery: The Sorcerer | G&S Manchester
The Sorcerer Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index !
- Photos: Miscellaneous | G&S Manchester
Miscellaneous Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- 2017 Convention | G&S Manchester
2017 Convention Frid ay 21 April 2017 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm Celebration Dinner (4 course). Dress: to be decided. This will mark Manchester Society's 85th Anniversary as well as being the opening of the Convention. Frances McCafferty (contralto) will delight us afterwards with a short concert accompanied at the piano by David Wheeler. The cash bar in the Regis Suite will be open until midnight. Sat ur day 22 April 2017 9.30 – 10.00 am Assemble 10.00 am Welcome by Manchester Society Chairman, David Walton. 10.15 am Lecture: Theatre design in Gilbert's Day by David Wilmore. 11 .15 am Coffee 11.45 am Illustrated Lecture on Sullivan’s music by Professor Derek B. Scott. 12.45 pm Lunch : 3 course, hot. Cash bar open beforehand. 2 .30 pm David Walton will interview Frances McCafferty. Questions welcomed at the end. 3.15 to 3. 45 pm Interval tea or coffee 3.45 to 4.45 approx. John Balls and Arthur Barrett from Norwich G&S Society will present a tribute to Thomas Round. 4.45 to 6.30 pm Free time 6.30 pm Hot Buffet Tea 8.00 pm P rofessional Celebrity Concert. Celebrities to be announced. 10. 00 pm Light “supper” of Danish pastries, scones, tea and coffee. The cash bar in the Regis Suite will be open until midnight. Sunday 23 April 2017 10.0 0 am An Act of Worship using some of Sullivan’s sacred music, led by David Walton. 11 .00 am approx. Coffee 11.30 am Concert by postgraduate singers from the Royal Northern College of Music. 1.00 pm Sunday L unch (3 course) 2.30 to 3.30 pm Semi-staged concert by members of Sale Gilbert and Sullivan Society. 3.30 p m Formal closure of Convention, then disperse (“most reluctantly”).
- 2021–2022 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2021–22 (90th) Season Sunday 3rd October 2021 at 2.30 pm “Welcome to our hearts again” An interview with our Vice President and G&S maestro, David Steadman, who picks out gems from his fund of stories and may entertain us at the piano. The She ila Taylor meeting. Sunday 7th November 2021 at 2.30 pm “let the air with joy be laden” A conc ert by Matthew Kellett (baritone) accompanied by David Eaton. The Harold Sumner meeting. Tuesday 7th December 2021 on Zoom at 7.30 pm “There can be no harm in revelling in the past” Behind the scenes with Michael Heyland, Director of Productions, D‘Oyly Carte Opera Company 1969 to 1978. Tuesday 11th January 2022 on Zoom at 7.30 pm “tell us all about it” Presentation by Jeff Clarke, artistic Director of Opera della Luna, on The New D‘Oyly Carte touring Company of the 1920s. Tuesday 1st February 2022 on Zoom at 7.30 pm “Indeed I am telling the truth” Peggy Ann Jones and Abby Hadfield reminisce about their days in the D‘Oyly Carte in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Sunday 6th March 2022 at 2.30 pm “and now I look more closely at it” ‘The Gondoliers’ – Paul Taylor presents another of his stimulating illustrated talks on the operas and their background story. Th e Norman Beckett meeting. Sunday 3rd April 2022 at 2.30 pm “With choral joy delight the breeze” A concert by Peter Crichton and some friends of his from Crosby G&S Society Tuesday 10th May 2022 on Zoom at 7.30 pm “let us grasp the situation” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment. A whole weekend of G&S “can‘t keep it up all day long?” Friday even ing 13th May 2022 to Sunday lunch 15th May. Convention: concerts, talks, friendship and fun at the Alma Lodge Hotel, 149 Buxton Road, Stockport, SK2 6EL.
- 2009–2010 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2009–10 (78th) Season Tuesday 15th September 2009 at 7.15 pm “I‘m one of the family” An attractive extra meeting: Scott Hayes, Arthur Sullivan‘s great, great nephew, will speak to us again during his visit from the USA. “Uncle Arthur: The California Connection” Tuesday 8th October 2009 at 7.15 pm “Remarkable people in history” Simon Theobald will present the life of Rutland Barrington, bass-baritone, in the original company, and sing some of the songs first sung by Barrington, accompanied by Andrew Nicklin. The Norman Beckett meeting. Sunday 8th November 2009 at 2.30 pm “a refreshing novelty” Jeff Clarke, originator/MD/producer of Opera della Luna, will speak about creating the Company. [Pr ofessional engagements permitting.] Tuesday 1 December 2009 at 7.15 pm “Ballads, songs and snatches” Celebrity concert by Victoria Byron (mezzo) and Ian Belsey (baritone), accompanied by David Norris. [Professional engagements permitting.] Admission: members £5, visitors £7 The Sheila Taylor meeting. Sunday 10th January at 2.30 pm “a past-master of that delicately modular instrument” The Lost Chord Instrumental Ensemble will present a sparkling New Year concert, produced and presented by Christopher Browne. Tuesday 2nd February 2010 at 715 pm “and for knowledge if anyone burns” Study evening on The Sorcerer presented by Paul Taylor. March 2010 “who thirst for such instruction as we give” We are arranging a Masterclass for music students in conjunction with well-known G&S conductor, John Owen Edwards. [Professional engagements permitting.] The day-time class and following concert are both to be open for our members to attend. Date and details to follow. The Harold Sumner meeting. Tuesday 6th April 2010 at 7.15 pm “jolly jinks” A DIY evening of fun. Tuesday 4th May 2010 at 7.15 pm “in a contemplative fashion” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment.
- 2018–2019 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2018–19 (87th) Season Sunday 2nd September 2018 at 2.30 pm “Youth will have its fling” David Goulden‘s music and drama students will entertain us with a concert. The Harold Sumner meet ing. Sunday 4th November 2018 at 2.30 pm “I am astonished and somewhat terrified” Stephen Turnbull, Secretary of the Sir Arthur Sullivan Society, will play a selection of his G&S recordings – selected for quality or amusement . Sunday 2nd Decem ber 2018 at 2.30 pm “whatever question may arise” Any G&S Questions with bring and share food. Sunday 13th January 2019 at 2.30 pm “Rend with songs the air above” Martin Lamb (bass baritone) will entertain us with song and information. He will be accompanied by David Wheeler. The Sheila Taylor meeting. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 Saturday 2nd February 2019 at 2.30 pm “They sing choru ses in public” A concert by New Rosemere Amateur Operatic Society from Bolton. Tuesday 5th March 2019 “I can teach you with a quip, if I've a mind” Paul Taylor will entertain and inform us with another of his fascinating presentations, this time on Iolanthe . Illustrated with music and visuals. The N orman Beckett meeting. Tuesday 2nd April 2019 “Everything is interesting” David Cookson and Collette Woodhouse will amuse and instruct us about music and other aspects of their work at Harrogate G&S Festivals. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 Tuesday 7th May 2019 “In punctual and business-like fashion” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment. Review
- 2020–2021 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2020–21 (89th) Season THE PROGRAMME FOR THE 2020–21 (89th) SEASON WAS AFFECTED BY THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC. National lockdowns (late March 2020 to June 2020, and January 2021 to July 2021) and local lockdowns (tiers) (September 2020 to November 2020) restricted gatherings and movements of all but essential workers. Lockdowns caused the closure of all hospitality venues and non-essential shops, closed schools and encouraged working from home. Consequently, all society meetings during the 89th season were held by Zoom – the first time in the Society's history that Zoom had been used for meetings. Sunday 29th November 2020 on Zoom at 5.00 pm General meeting of the Society. Sunday 17th January 2021 on Zoom at 2.30 pm Ian Bradley will talk about his next book on Sullivan – A Life of Divine Emollient . Sunday 21st February 2021 on Zoom at 2.00 pm Barry Clark to entertain with a talk and music. Sunday 28th March 2021 on Zoom at 2.30 pm "Sullivan’s Drawing-Room Ballads” – a presentation by Professor Derek B. Scott. Tuesday 11th May 2021 on Zoom at 7.30 pm 88th and 89th Annual Meetings.
- Contact Us | G&S Manchester
Contact Us Get in Touch The Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Manchester welcomes your enquiries. For information, please contact, as appropriate, one of the society’s officials... New Members/ Publicity Officer Secretary Treasurer PAUL TAYLOR email: JEAN DUFTY email: DERRICK LACK email: Alternatively, use this contact form... First Name Last Name Your Email Subject Type Your Message Here Send Message Thank You!