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Programme for the 2010–11 (79th) Season

Sunday 10th October 2010 at 2.30 pm

“he bubbles with wit and good humour!”

Celebrity concert b y Simon Butteriss (baritone) who will entertain us in his own inimitable way with song and story, accompanied at the piano by Jeff Clarke. [Professional engagements permitting.]

Admission: members £5, visitors £7

The Sheila Taylor meeting.

Tuesday 2nd November 2010 at 7.15 pm

“O man of learning!”

‘Silent Witness; or, Tales of a Musical Detective’

Talk by Dr David Russell Hulme, conductor, musicologist, expert on

British music, well known for his research and publications on Sullivan.

Tuesday 7th December 2010 at 7.15 pm

“fear nothing, but enjoy yourselves, I pray!”

We will celebrate the Festive Season with a Sing-It-Ourselves evening with bring and share refreshments.

Sunday 16th January 2011 at 2.30 pm

“Listen, and I‘ll you all about it”

Suzanne O‘Keeffe (soprano) will reminisce about her days in the D‘Oyly Carte Opera Company, sing, speak about teaching singing and demonstrate with a mini-Master class for two of her students.

The Harold Sumner meeting.

Tuesday 1st February 2011 at 7.15 pm

“I can teach you with a quip, if I‘ve a mind”

Lecture/recital by Martin Lamb (bass-baritone). [Professional engagements permitting.]

Admission: members and visitors £2

The Norman Beckett meeting.

Tuesday 1st March 2011 at 7.15 pm

“They charmed our senses with verbal fences, with ballads amatory and declamatory”

In studying and comparing two different D‘Oyly Carte recordings of Princess Ida from the 50s and 60s, Great Savoyards will be assessed and facts about their lives and careers discussed by John Coates.

Tuesday 5th April 2011 at 7.15 pm

“And echo forth the joyous sound”

Blackburn Gilbert and Sullivan Society will entertain us with a concert, mainly G&S.

Tuesday 3rd May 2011 at 7.15 pm

“to shirk the task were fiddle-de-dee!”

Annual General Meeting plus entertainment.



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