2022 (22nd) Convention
Friday 13 May 2022
7.00 pm
Celebration Dinner (4 course). Dress; dinner jacket or lounge suit.
This will mark Manchester Society's 90th Anniversary as well as being the opening of the Convention.
Matthew Siveter (baritone) will delight us afterwards with a short concert accompanied at the piano by Martin Yates.
The cash bar in the Regis Suite will be open until midnight.
Saturday 14 May 2022
9.30 – 10.00 am
10.00 am
10.15 am
The Mikado : the Victorian Masterpiece of British opera
Martin Yates, chairman of the Sir Arthur Sullivan Society, places Sullivan in his proper place in the musical line from Purcell to Britten.
11.15 am
11.45 am
A Great Savoyard : presentation on the life and work of Darrell Fancourt by his great niece, Deborah Lea.
12.45 pm
Light Buffet Lunch : Cash bar open beforehand.
2.30 pm
Matthew Siveter will be interviewed about his musical and professional journey. Questions welcomed at the end.
3.15 to 3.45 pm
Interval tea or coffee
3.45 to 4.45 approx.
Paul Taylor of Manchester Society will give a talk on the events leading up to the first production of Iolanthe.
4.45 to 6.30 pm
Free time
6.30 pm
Evening meal
8.00 pm
Celebrity Concert by Leon Berger, Sylvia Clark, Eleanor Jane Moran and Russell Painter accompanied by Tim Smith.
10.00 pm
Tea, coffee and biscuits and a cash bar will be open until midnight.
Sunday 15 May
10.00 am
An Act of Worship featuring Sullivan’s two Te Deums led by Arthur Barrett and John Balls of Norwich G&S Society.
10.50 am approx.
11.30 am
‘In Duet’: Juliet Montgomery and Aidan Edwards will entertain in song accompanied by David Mackie.
Formal close of convention.
1.00 pm
Sunday Lunch (3 course)
Disperse (“most reluctantly”)